Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To Contact people

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Only those who have been found will appear on this list

Aldred Fred 1949-1955 R I P passed 5th March 2011 (PHOTOS)
Alexander Pete 1967-1969 (PHOTOS)
Allen Chunky Terence 1953-1957
Allison Ray 1967-70 R I P
Anderson Bill 1964-66  (PHOTOS)
Andrews Roger 1967-69
Avery Graham 1968-1969 (PHOTOS)
Bach Willy 1966-1967 passed 2017 
Baker Kenny 1954-57
Ballard Derrick 1961-65
Barry Mike 1963-65 (PHOTOS)
Barton Don 1 trp cmd 1957-60
Bates Rod 1968-69 (LOST CONTACT)
Bates Ronald Scouse 1958-61 1 troop R.I.P 2/7/19 (PHOTOS)  (CROWN PHOTOS)
Batterley Dave 1969-70
Batterley Mick 1969-70 Sadly died a few years ago from cancer whilst living in South Africa
Batterley Stuart 1969-70
Bedford Gerry 1965-1968 (PHOTOS)
Beere Dave 1965-68 last member to find Ten Feet Five Band
Beharrell Fred 3 tp 1960-63
Bell John dinger 1961-62 410 plant borneo (PHOTOS)
Bishop John 1954-1957 R.I.P  Jan 30th 2015
Bissett John 1957-60 1 Troop 1960-63 1965-68 chelsea pensioner Dec 2014
Blay Dennis 1966-69 MT Section (PHOTOS)
Blaylock  Malc Fred  1966-69 Thailand 67 Penang 68 R.I.P Sapper Jan 2018
Blinch Robert blanco 1950-1952 H.K. Austria
Boniface Mike 1968-1970 R.I.P Sept 2024 (PHOTOS)
Book Jacky 1964 1966 1 troop
Borer John 1967-70
Bougourd Ron 1959-1962 1 troop
Bowbanks Melvyn 1966-1969 op crown radio shack R.I.P. 12.11.13 (PHOTOS)
Bowden Kipp 1965-66 R.I.P October 2021
Bowker Peter 1954-55 Park troop R I P 2012 (PHOTOS)
Bowles Colin 1955-56 new
Bray Fred 1957-59 R.I.P 2017 (PHOTOS)
Bridges Terry 1965-1968 1 troop  (PHOTOS)
Brittain Harry 1965-1968 twice op crown (PHOTOS)
Brown Eddy 1965-1968 R.I.P. Sept 2019
Brown Jock 1 troop 1963-1965 R I P 2002
Brown Ted (SGT)REME 1963-67 (PHOTOS)
Brunning Dave 1 Troop 1958-1960
Buckle Bob 1 troop 1964-66
Bunker Tony plant 1957-1958 football team R.I.P September 2021 (PHOTOS)
Burtt Tony 1954-55 (PHOTOS) R I P 2006
Buttle John 1961-1963
Caddy Peter 1 troop 1962-1964 lives in switzerland. and Singapor (Passed 14 July 2010)
Calderbank Alan 1954-57 Dec 16
Campbell Alan (Bert) 1960-63
Campbell Frank 1957-58? yet to contact him
Campbell Jim 1967-1970 R.I.P 6 Oct 14
Campbell Peter OC 1961-63 Maj Gen Rtd R.I.P. 2012
Capper andy Bob 1965-68
Carnighan Peter 1965-68
Carter Ron 1954-1957 R.I.P. July 2019
Catherall Tony Tonto 1 Troop 1959-1962 (PHOTOS) 
Charlesworth Leon charlie 3 troop 1967-70 (PHOTOS)
Chave Gordon 2 IC 1964-66
Cheesley Michael ACC 1965-67 was on Loas floods
Chivers Simon 1968-1970 3 troop 2016 R.I.P
Clarke Frederick ACC 1962-1963 borneo 1957-1960 1 troop
Clarke (Nobby) Richard 24 March 2014. R.I.P. 1957-60 1 troop  (PHOTOS)
Clemence Mike clem 1962-65 1 troop (PHOTOS)
Clowes Roger 1 troop cmd 1960-62
Cole Bill 1959-1962 Oct 2014 R.I.P mate   (PHOTOS)
Cole Douglas 1958-59 Sqn Photographer Survey NS (PHOTOS 1)  PHOTOS 2
Coleman Ray 1968-1970 Chief Clerk
Collings Fred 1968-69 (PHOTOS)
Collins Brian OC 3 troop 1956-59 ( PHOTOS)
Comley Terry 1 Troop 1956-58  (PHOTOS)
Coomber Brian 1967-69
Corr Gerald 1956-57
Connolly Allan 1967-1969 3 troop R.I.P February 2023
Cooke Rob 2Lt. 1965-1967
Cooksey Eric 1962-65 driver then Famto storeman  (PHOTOS)
Cooper Cedric 2 IC 1957-1959 also project officer R.I.P. 2014
Cooper David Officer 1960-61
Cooper Tony 1966-68
Coppinger Norman (noddy) 1965-68
Corbett Barry 1 tp 1965-68 (PHOTOS)   (Crown Photos)
Cordon James (Jim) 1964-67
Cotton Joe 1954-1957 Passed 9 June 2009
Coutts John geordie 1965-66 Early member Ten Feet Five
Cox George 1956-59
Coyle Alec 1968-70
Crampton Allan (Mick) 1961-1964
Crawley John La 1961-64 3 troop R.I.P. Nov18
Crothers Bill 1964-67 R.I.P. December 2019
Crowford Bob (sailor) 1964-67 1 troop HQ troop R.I.P Jan 2021
Cruickshank Sandy 1968-70 (PHOTOS)
Crust Dick 1 Troop 1963-66
Culver John MT 1963-66
Cummings Gil Ssgt 1966-68 passed R.I.P 1996
Cusack John 1965-67 (PHOTOS)
Dadd John 1957-58  (PHOTOS)
Daker Harry Park Troop 1961-64
Dalton Mick HQ Troop1958-1961
Dance Pete HQ Troop 1957-1960 (PHOTOS)
Davis Terry 410 1955-1957 (PHOTOS)
Davies Ron Taffy 1955-57 (PHOTOS)
Day Mo Maurice 1965-68
Deeming Rob 1964-66 3 Troop R.I.P. 2014  (PHOTOS)
Denby Keith HQ Troop 1959-1962
Despard Richard 1956-1958 regt cooke (PHOTOS)
Devlin Roy 1957-1958 (PHOTOS)
Dick George jock 1 troop 1962-65 R.I.P 20 March 2015
Ditch Anthony  1961-64
Docherty John 1959-1962 1 troop R.I.P January 2018   (PHOTOS)  (OWN BLOG POST)
Donaldson Norman 1951-52 start of unit in Austria R.I.P December 2022
Doubtfire Roy deceased dates ?
Downing Reginald 1956-58 R.I.P 2017 (PHOTOS)
Dring Tony 1952-1955 R.I.P 2016
Dunne (Humph) 1962-65 1 troop R.I.P March 2021
Eley Maurice 410 1955-1956 (PHOTOS)
Elliott Cliff 1954-56
Elliott Harry 1965-1967
Ellis Terry 1966-1969 6 months op crown (PHOTOS)
Enoch Chris 1955-58 Passed 31 Aug 2018 R.I.P.  (PHOTOS)
Emby John 1962-1965 plant troop
Eastwood Patrick 1970
Evans Caris 410 1958-59
Fagg Geoffrey S/Sgt 1963-66
Faith Mel 1960-1963 passed 17 June 2010
Farrell Bob 1967-70
Farrell Jimmy 1961-1964 (PHOTOS)
Farrell John 1959-62 (PHOTOS)
Feary Victor 1967-69
Feehan Charlie 1969-70
Fiddes Bill 1962-64 HQ troop and stores
Field Brian 1960-1962 1 troop not interested in contact
Field Peter HQ troop? RIP around 2000 info from Colin Bowles
Fletcher Geoff 68-69
Floyd Dave 1969-1970 visited 11 sqn 1966 with ABU HMS Fearless.
Flynn John 1959-61 (PHOTOS)
Fogharty Pat 1961-64 (PHOTOS)
Folwell David 1963-66
Foot Barry 1959-62 (PHOTOS)
Foote Ian 1966-68 3 Troop  (PHOTOS)      THAILAND PHOTOS
Ford Pat 1967-69 Clothing storeman
Fowke Tony fingers 1961-64 1 troop
Fraser-Allen Michael Capt. 1961-64
Freeman Stuart 1967-69
Fox Gordon 1954-56 3troop. I joined the Sqdn in July 54, and we sailed from Southampton on 18 November1954 arriving Singapore on 16th Dec
Frape Fred 1962-1965 (PHOTOS)
Fuller Stan 1968-1970 SQMS chelsea pensioner R.I.P Dec 2020
Furness Robert 1958
Gale Bob 1960-1963
Gallagher Louis 1962-1965 R I P March 2010
Gaunt Ron CRE Terendak 1960-63
Gaston Mo 1966-68
Gavin Barry R I P may 2004 1961-63 (PHOTOS)
Gee Wally 1962-1964 (PHOTOS)
Gibbins Brian 1 Troop 1958-60
Gilhooley Terry scouse MT troop 1966-68 R.I.P May 2020
Gilligan Charles 1966-68  R I P passed 22 April 2012
Girling Ken 3 troop 1960-63
Gleeson Gerry HQ troop 1962-1964 (PHOTOS)
Godley Mike HQ Troop & 1 Troop 1960-1962
Golightly Brian Geordie HQ Troop 1958-1961 (PHOTOS)
Goodridge Tony 1957-59     (PHOTOS)
Goodson Guy RIP 1957-1959
Gore John Park Tp then Postie 1966-68 (PHOTOS)
Govier Les MT  1954-56
Goymer Ray (tich) 1962-1965
Gray Fred 1961-1964 (PHOTOS)
Green Barry 1967-1969 R.I.P 2018 (PHOTOS)  (Smilebox)
Green John 3 troop 1968-69 (PHOTOS)
Green Trevor 410 plant 1960 (PHOTOS)
Gregory Allan 1956-1959
Griffiths John 1952-54 Austria 1954-55 Sungie Besi in park troop
Grubey Alan 1962-65 1 troop (PHOTOS)
Guy Colin (Yorky) HQ Troop 1961-1964
Haley David 1967-69 (PHOTOS)
Halls Ken 410 ind plt troop 1957-59 (PHOTOS)
Hamilton-Cox, Doug 1965-1968
Hamilton Hamish 1969-70
Hampton John 1957-1958 Lives in Australia (PHOTOS)
Hann Alan 1958-59 Lives in australia
Harland Frank Att. Sqn 1955 Sungie Besi Plant Op
Harper Bruce 1967-68
Hartigan Harry. 1962-65
Hartley Colin 1967-69 drove 32DM00
Hayhurst Ron 410 ind plt troop 1956-58
Hayward Scouse Harry 1964-66 R.I.P 1998 (PHOTOS)
Heatlie Andrew 1967-69 NEW
Higgins Joe Jock 1966-67
Hinchliffe Barry 1960-1963
Hirsh Ray 1969-70
Hearst Steve 1965-68 Ten Feet Five R.I.P 22 July 2024
Heaton Ron 1962-1965 (PHOTOS)
Henderson David 1955-57 R.I.P November 2022
Hewitt Hubert 1956-1958
Hobbs Brian 1967-1969
Hodkinson Sam 1958-1959
Holder KC 1962-1965 (PHOTOS)
Holden Frank 1957
Holme Bob 1966-68
Hollyoak Alan 1968-1970 (PHOTOS)
Holmshaw Tony plt ftr 11 sqn 63-64 , died about 2002 in medway.
Holroyd Denis 1965-1967 (PHOTOS)
Horner Rod 1966-68 R.I.P.June 2018
Houston-Robb Ken 1966-1968 3 troop football team that won cup (PHOTO)
Howatson Ian HQ Troop 1959-1962 (PHOTOS)
Hudson Dave 1965-68
Hudson Terry 1956-1959
Hunt Harry 1959
Hunt Russell John 1966-1969 (PHOTOS)
Hutchings Sid 61-64+66-69 (PHOTOS) 
Hutchinson Derek 1954-55 in Office (PHOTOS)
Jackson Peter 2nd Lt 1959-60 Passed November 2010
Jefferis Gordon 1955-1957
Jermy Allen 3 troop 1956-58
Johnson Dave 1965-1966
Johnson Den 1953-1954 Austria (PHOTOS)
Johnston Richard 1 troop Cmd 1967-69

Joinson Malcolm 1960-63 passed 9th June 2011
Jones Bill 1948-1953
Jones Michael Colin 1960-63 MT  (PHOTOS)
Jones Russell Taffy 1962-64
Jones Trevor taffy 1961-64 (PHOTOS)
Jones Viv 1954-1955  (PHOTOS)
Judd Colin doc I was corp sigs I was in Borneo with 11fd sqn when they put a bailey over the sungei tempsak at Kota belud,
Keddie Peter 1 Troop 1959-1962 (PHOTOS)
Keens Dick 1966-1970 Passed October 2017 R.I.P.
Keeping Reginald 3 troop S/Sgt 1962-64
Kellet Jim 3 Troop 1959-1962
Kelly (Ned) Terry 1968-70
Kennedy Ian Tiny 3 Troop 1960-1963 Passed 1 July 2019 R.I.P (PHOTOS)
Kennedy Peter 1 troop 1959-61
Kibble bill lofty 1 Troop 1957-1960 passed August 2013
King Eddy 1 troop 1960-63? March 2022 (PHOTOS)
Kirk Richard 1969-70
Lambert Alan 1966-1968 (PHOTOS)
Lambert Ray 1954-1957 (PHOTOS)
Lambourne Geoff 3 Troop 1961-1964 (PHOTOS)
Lamont Peter 1961-64 ACC (PHOTOS)
Lancefield John 3 troop 1 troop 1964-67 R.I.P. 4/3/18
Lankshear David 1962-64
Lavallin Bob REME 1965-67
Lawrence Hank 1962-1965 (PHOTOS)
Lawton John 1968-1970 (PHOTOS)
Lazell Roy SSM 1967-70 Passed 2nd Jan 2018
Leonard Dick 1967-1969
Leech Alan 1956-1958 R.I.P 2019 (PHOTOS)
Lettice Jim 1959-61 New
Lewis John M taff 1969-1970 (PHOTOS)
Lidster Gordon 1956-57
Litchfield Rob 1967-69
Llewelin Peter 1954-57 March 2016    (PHOTOS)
Loach Julian 410 1959-62
Lord Brian 1957-59 (PHOTOS)
Lowe Bernard 1965-68 R.I.P 2012
Long Terry 1952-54
Luetchford Mike 2 I/C 410 Indep Plt Tp 1960
Ludlow Fred 1961-64
Magee Tom 1965-1968 R.I.P Oct 2020  (PHOTOS)
Marchant Ivan Reg ACC 1962-1965
Marsden Pete 3 troop 1965-67 (PHOTOS)
Marshall Fred 1954-1955 (PHOTOS)
Marshall Brian 1960-1963
Martell Pete 1963-65
McBain Charlie 1969-70
McCann Joe 1965-68
McGilp Donald 1967-1970
McGregor Chris 1965-68
McIntyre Denis 1965-67 (PHOTOS)
McKie Bill jock 1958-62 MT (PHOTOS)
McLoughlin John 1967-1970 (PHOTOS)
Mc Nally Peter 1954-55
McQueen Alex 1966-67 movement clerk
Meggison Phil HQ 1965-67
Mellett Brian 1964-1967 R I P 1991 (PHOTOS)
Melville Alex (Sandy) 1961-1965 R.I.P 12 March 2021  (PHOTOS)
Membury Alf 1959-1961
Meston Berny 3 tp 1964-66
Meston Roy 1962-65
Metcalf Allan 1961-64 (PHOTOS)
Middleton Dave 1 Troop 1959-62
Middleton Richard 1 Tp Commander 1957-58 (PHOTOS) His stories from 1957-58
Millar Derek 1968-70
Millar dusty jock 1967-69
Mills Allan (Ginger) 3 Troop 1961-1964 R.I.P May 2020  (PHOTOS)
Mitchell Tony Park Troop 1962-1965 R.I.P April 2016
Moger Mick 1965-68
Molloy Jim 1962-65 planty R.I.P October 2020
Moody Ray 1970
Moore Harry with 11 sqn in Malaya and Op Crown from 65 to 68,
Moore Sammy s/sgt 1962-65
Moran Patrick 1968-1970
Morgan Bob plant troop 1965-68
Mornement Tony plt cmd 1964
Morris Bert 1957-1959
Morris Colwyn Taff 1963-1966 (PHOTOS)
Muldoon Ken 1 Troop 1959-1962
Murison Bill 1957-59 (PHOTOS)
Noddle Norman 1960-1963 R I P 2008 (PHOTOS)
Nolan George 1956-1958 (PHOTOS)
Olford John 1965-1967 R.I.P Sept 2021
Ollyot Olly 1967- R.I.P. 27 March 2018
Osborne Rex IC 1tp 1964-65
Owers Edward 1948-1949
Oxley Frank 1954-1957
Oxley Kenneth 1957-58 Passed March 2011
Packman Bryan 1968-1970 Passed Sept 2022 R.I.P 
Palmer Trevor MC 2i/c 1960-1961
Pantin Randy 1963-1965 1 Troop
Parkins Spike 1964-1967 Park troop Passed December 2021
Parkinson Denis 1968-69 MT 
Parris Ric 1967-69
Peet Phil 1969-70 LCpl draughtsman in Project Office (PHOTOS)
Perchard David 1963-66 ? (PHOTOS)
Petherick Brian 1963-66
Phillips William (Bill) 1954-57 and !958-61 MT Passed Sept 2021
Picton Jack taff  1968 Passed Sept 2020 (PHOTOS)
Pipitone Pip John 1969-70 Passed Sept 2024
Potter Steve (Brummie) 1964-67 MT
Powell Dawson 1955-1958          (PHOTOS)
Pugh John 1965-66  (PHOTOS)
Purvis Billy brian 1956-58 (PHOTOS)
Purvis David 1968 - 1969 and did a tour in HK with 3 troop in early 1969. PHOTOS
Rae Alex 1967-70 Passed 7/8 Years ago R I P info from Jim Campbell
Rainsford George 1954-56   (PHOTOS)
Ramsay Harry 1966-1968 (PHOTOS)
Ramsay Mick 410 1960-1962
Randle Horace 410 1959-1962
Rowlands Les 1956-1958 R.I.P Sept 022
Reid Mike 1968-70 signaler
Reynolds Michael 1967-69 Passed 21 April 2009
Richards Arthur (Dick) 1956-1958
Richards Dermont 1962-1966 (PHOTOS)
Ridyard Paul 1968-69 passed Nov 2011 info from wife Marjorie
Riley Des 1965-68
Roberts Brian 1969-70 (PHOTOS)
Roberts George 1958-1960 1 troop stores
Roberts John (Taff) HQ Troop 1961-64 (PHOTOS)
Robinson Leo 1963-65
Robson Joe 1968-70 Dec 2016 (PHOTOS)
Rogers Adrian 1963-1966
Rose Bryan 1956-1959 R I P May 2012
Rougier Jeremy OC 1966-1968
Russell John 3 Troop 1959-1961 R I P 18 April 2011
Santos Michael 1968-1969
Saunders Mick 1960-62 plt tp
Schwalm Ray HQ Troop 1958-61 MT (PHOTOS) passed 2011
Scoular Jim 1961-Oct 62 1 troop R.I.P 2018
Scrase John 1954-57 Passed Feb 2021
Scott Doug 1953-1953
Sexton Ray 1958-60 Park Troop NS. (PHOTOS)
Sharrock Frank 1968-70
Shaw David 1954-57  (PHOTOS)
Sinclair David Jock 1964-66 passed 2002 info from son David born Terendak (PHOTOS) (CROWN)
Skinner Les ACC 1957-60 (PHOTOS)
Smart Terry 1965-68  (PHOTOS)
Smit Tom 1966-68
Smith Barry 1968-70 (PHOTOS)
Smith Chris 60-63 + 65-68  R I P 14 Jan 2013 (PHOTOS) (Rock Bands 1960-68)
Smith Terry 1955-1958 (PHOTOS)
Sowden John (Snowy)  1968-70  (PHOTOS)
Sowerby Frank 1 Troop 1959-1962
Spice Alan 1958-60 (PHOTOS)
Spiller Keith RIP 25/7/08 1954-57
Spriggs John 1965-68 park troop
Stevens John 1964-66 OC RIP 2007
Stringer Pete 1969-70 HQ troop
Stuart Billy 1961-1964 3 troop (PHOTOS)
Sturgess Ray 1959-1962 R.I.P. Aug 2022 (PHOTOS) 
Stockton Allan HQ Troop 1959-1962  R.I.P July 2014 (PHOTOS)
Strobridge Paul QM compound 1968-1970  (PHOTOS)
Strudley John 1954-1957 (PHOTOS)
Sumpter Ian scouse 1964-1967 (PHOTOS)
Sutton Peter 1956-59 (PHOTOS)
Sweeting Syd 1967-1970
Symonds Stuart 1trp cmd 1958-1961 (PHOTOS)
Tait John geordie 1968-70 Passed 16 February 2013 R.I.P mate
Tapp Keith 1959-1962
Taylor Bob 1967-1969 Passed Aug 2018 R.I.P Sapper  (PHOTOS)
Teasdale Ray 1969-70 (PHOTOS)
Thacker James Jim 1969-1971
Theakston Ray 1966-1968
Thornton Tom SSM 1963-1966 R.I.P. 2015
Thrippleton Jimmy 1 troop 1957-60
Toase John (Toots) 410 + Park Troop 1960-1961 (PHOTOS)
Toft Brian 1957-1959
Tout Fernley 1962-1965 (PHOTOS)
Tullis Terry 1954-55 Passed February 2021 R.I.P (PHOTOS)
Tyrrell John jock 1967-69
Vaughan Lyndon 1958-1960
Vincent Eddie 1 troop 1962-65
Waddington Charles 1960-1963
Walker Bob 1 troop 1967-68  (PHOTOS)
Walker Clive 1969-1970
Ward Rob Lt.1958-1961 R I P 1982 (PHOTOS) from son Colin Ward (his military link)
Waslin Bernard 1960-1962 R.I.P. Feb 2014 (PHOTOS)
Watson Edgar 1959-1962
Webb Brian HQ 1965-1968  (PHOTOS)
Webb David Plant Cpl 1967-69
Weir John 965-68
Welsh Terry 1966-1968 (PHOTOS)
Whatley Nick plt trp cmd 1965-1967 (PHOTOS)
Whitemore Jesse 1 trp sgt 1957-60 R.I.P 25 July 2017
Why Barrie 3 tp 1962-65 R.I.P 2019  (PHOTOS)
Wigley Bob Sungie Besi 1954-56
Wilby Steve 1967-1970
Wilkinson Maurice 1956-58 R.I.P Aug 2018 (PHOTOS)
Willcock Fred RIP 15/12/07 1959-1962
Williams Colin 1969
Williams Kenny 1 Troop 1961-1964 R.I.P May 2023 (PHOTOS) 
Wilsea Mel REME 1967-70 also Crown  (PHOTOS)
Wilson Leon Willy R.I.P. 2012 1 Troop 1962-65 (PHOTOS)
Wood Melvyn 1968-1970 (PHOTO)
Woods Jim 1954-57 (PHOTOS) Woods Jim 410 1959-62 RIP 4 March 2010
Woollatt Geoff cmd pl trp 1960-62
Woolnough Kenny 1962-65 R.I.P August 2024 (PHOTOS)
Worth Ron 1956-58
Wright Terry (Tiger) 1961-64 3 troop
Williamson Robert 1956-1959 R.I.P. Jan 2018    (PHOTOS)
Yeo Dave 1964-1967 (PHOTOS)
Yeo Mick 1964-1967


  1. From Bruce Harper
    That's right Hank. I left Terendak in September 1968. I did a couple of exercises with them and also a stretch in Thailand with Operation Crown which, with other squadrons, including Aussies, built an airfield and a road in N E Thailand (probably my most memorable experience in the forces). I'm presently working in Thailand (and have been for 5 years) as a direct result of those memories. 42 years on, however, I've forgotten many names but not the mates and their actions. I'm proud to have served with all those guys One guy stands out among the rest though. His name was Geordy Bisset, a real pro on his 3rd tour in Malaysia but still at the rank of Sapper. I think he really deserves a mention on the Roll of Honour.

    Best Wishes and congratulations on a great website and a great service to old squaddies like me!


  2. i have seen a photograph of me with lofty and ernie simpson on jimmy farrells photos i am alan campbell 11sdqd 1960 -1963


If you served with 11 indep fd sqn between 1951-70 please give your full name and dates in your message when using anonymous link. advertisers attempts will just be deleted and never see the light of day, so please dont waste my time or yours thanks